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  The Basement
  36 Bolton Street
  L3 5LX
  T:0151 707 1515
  F:0151 709 6572


 Useful Links

Here are some frequently asked questions and answers!

What is homelessness?

What are my rights?

Where can I go for help?

Can I avoid homelessness & How?

What if I suffer domestic abuse/violence?

What if I have an addiction?

What if I’m an asylum seeker/refugee?

Can I get advice about sleeping on the streets?

Can I get medical attention/advice?

Will my council house me?

Can I get advice about eviction and my rights?

What do I do if I’m under 18 and how does this affect my rights?

What do I do if I have children and I feel i may become homeless?

What is homelessness?

The legal definition of homelessness is:

  • you have nowhere to live in the United Kingdom or elsewhere
  • you are afraid to go home because someone living there has been or may be violent to you or your family
  • you have nowhere you can live together with all your family
  • you have somewhere to stay but it is not reasonable for you to do so
  • your home is a boat mobile caravan but you have nowhere to put it
  • you have been issued a notice to quit, possession order or eviction warrant
  • you have been living with friends or relatives and been asked to leave

What are my rights?

Under the 1996 Housing Act (Part VII, Homelessness) a Local Authority must make sure that accommodation is available to a person or persons who it considers:

  • are eligible for assistance
  • are Homeless or under threat of becoming homeless within 28 days
  • are in priority need
  • did not intentionally make themselves homeless
  • have a local connection with the area

Where can I go for help?

The city council's One Stop Shops:

  • Broadway, Unit 1 Broadway Shopping Precinct, Broad Lane, Liverpool L11 1JA
  • City Centre, Municipal Buildings, Dale Street, Liverpool L69 2DH
  • Dingle, 200 Park Road, Liverpool L8 6SJ
  • Garston, Garston Community Library, Bowden Road, L19 1QN
  • Kirkdale, 101 Walton Road, Liverpool L4 4AG
  • Wavertree, Wavertree Library, Picton Road, Liverpool L15 4LP
  • Speke, Parklands, Conleach Road,Speke, Liverpool L24 0TY
  • Knotty Ash, 269 Blackmoor Drive, Liverpool L12 3HA
  • Old Swan, Derby Lane Liverpool L13 6QA
or by phoning Careline on 0151 233 3800 You can also get support and advice from the following organisations:
  • Citizens Advice Bureau
  • The Basement
  • The Whitechapel Centre

How can I avoid homelessness?

You can avoid homelessness by seeking help as soon as possible when you get into housing difficulties. The city council's Housing Options Service has a range of options to prevent people becoming homeless, including a mediation service, a sanctuary scheme for victims of domestic violence, court representation, access to floating support etc. Accessing these services depends on your individual circumstances and you will need to contact the Housing Options Service via the city council's One Stop Shops or by contacting Careline on 0151 233 3800.

You can also get confidential independent advice by phoning Shelter on 0808 800 4444 (8.00am to 8.00pm) If you do think you are at risk of homelessness, it is important you see help as soon as possible so that agencies have sufficient time to help you prevent your homelessness.

What if I suffer domestic abuse/violence?

If you are afraid to go home or have left home because someone living there has been, or may be violent to you or your family, you can get advice about your housing options from the Local Authority's Housing Options Service by visiting any of the council's One Stop Shops (listed previously) or by phoning Careline on 0151 233 3800.

The following organisations can also offer support and advice:

  • Liverpool Women's and Children's Aid: 0151 727 1355
  • Amadudu: 0151 734 0083
  • NSPCC (National): 0800 800 5000
  • Merseyside Police Liverpool North Domestic Violence Unit: 0151 777 4586
  • Merseyside Police Liverpool South Domestic Violence Unit: 0151 777 5085
  • Worst Kept Secret: 0800 028 3398
  • Fire in Ice: 0151 707 2614 (men only)
  • Age Concern: 0151 330 5678
  • Irish Community Care: 0151 707 4302
  • RASA: 0151 666 1392
  • Speke Garston Domestic Violence Project: 0151 486 3999 or 0800 083 7114 (freephone)
  • Victim Support - South: 0151 727 2710
  • Victim Support - North: 0151 298 2848
  • Armistead: 227 1893 (for same sex relationships)

What if I have an addiction?

Liverpool has a number of agencies which can help with drug and alcohol addictions. These are listed below: The Lighthouse Project

0151 709 0074

What if I'm an asylum seeker/refugee?

Contact Refugee Action on 0151 702 6300. They should be able to give you the advice you need.

Can I get advice about sleeping on the streets?

All the agencies who deal with homeless people in Liverpool (including the City Council) have a strong commitment to reducing and eradicating rough sleeping in Liverpool. Together we provide or fund a range of initiatives to reduce rough sleeping and move people into appropriate accommodation. The Whitechapel Centre is currently funded (by the city council) to provide a dedicated outreach service to rough sleepers. You can contact the Whitechapel via telephone on 0151 207 7617 if you are sleeping rough and need support

The Basement Night Drop In and the Big Issue in the North provide different types of support for rough sleepers

Can I get medical attention/advice?

Everyone is entitled to register with a GP and if you are having difficulty doing we can help you to do so. However, if you are homeless in Liverpool and do not have a GP, the Brownlow Group Practice, Pembroke Place, provides an open door service every Thursday afternoon between 12 noon and 2.30pm. You can also access the many walk in centres throughout the City.

Will my council house me?

If you have been assessed by the council as having a full statutory duty under the Housing Act 1997 (Part 7) as amended by the Homelessness Act 2002, the city council will work with local Registered Social Landlords to access permanent housing for you.

Can I get advice about eviction and my rights?

If you think you are at risk of eviction you can contact the Housing Options Service via the One Stop Shops or by phoning Careline on 0151 233 3800 to discuss your personal circumstances. It is important that you contact the Housing Options Service as soon as possible in order to give the service as much time as possible to help you.

What do I do if I'm under 18 and how does this affect my rights?

Some Housing Associations have age restrictions on tenants so it can be difficult to find accommodation at 18. The Young Person Advisory service provides support specifically to young people there number is 0151 707 1025

What do I do if I have children and I feel I may become homeless?

Families with children have priority need so the local authority through Social Services will support you, call Care Line on 0151 233 3000

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