What people say...
"The Basement is invaluable to Liverpool - not just to the homeless people they serve but to all of us who live here." - Roger Phillips, BBC Radio Merseyside
"Our team highly values the work of the Basement with the homeless community and vulnerably housed people in Liverpool" - Bobby Jarrett, Mersey Care NHS Trust.
"The Basement is an excellent organisation, which is highly valued and respected across the city" - Breege McDaid, Director of Irish Community Care Merseyside.
"Without this provision the rough sleepers who have no-where else to go, would potentially congregate at city centre locations" - Julie Prendergast, The Whitechapel Centre
"The Basement is a credit to the local community and is one we should all be proud of" - Bernie Kennedy, Workers Educational Association
"The basement is a key player in supporting the reduction of homelessness in Liverpool" - Simon Kweeday, The Big Issue in the North
"...They offer a service, which is considered good practise for the homeless sector..." - Paul Connery, North West Regional Manager Homeless Link