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  The Basement
  36 Bolton Street
  L3 5LX
  T:0151 707 1515
  F:0151 709 6572


What people say...

"The Basement is invaluable to Liverpool - not just to the homeless people they serve but to all of us who live here." - Roger Phillips, BBC Radio Merseyside

"Our team highly values the work of the Basement with the homeless community and vulnerably housed people in Liverpool" - Bobby Jarrett, Mersey Care NHS Trust.

"The Basement is an excellent organisation, which is highly valued and respected across the city" - Breege McDaid, Director of Irish Community Care Merseyside.

"Without this provision the rough sleepers who have no-where else to go, would potentially congregate at city centre locations" - Julie Prendergast, The Whitechapel Centre

"The Basement is a credit to the local community and is one we should all be proud of" - Bernie Kennedy, Workers Educational Association

"The basement is a key player in supporting the reduction of homelessness in Liverpool" - Simon Kweeday, The Big Issue in the North

"...They offer a service, which is considered good practise for the homeless sector..." - Paul Connery, North West Regional Manager Homeless Link

Our Sponsors

Liverpool one
Liverpool drug and alcohol action team The Tudor Trust

Liverpool Charity and Voluntary Services
The LloydsTSB Foundation The Peter De Haan Charitable Trust

company limited by guarantee number : 3642747
Registered Charity Number : 1075052